Reuters and Endocrine Today feature Canary-based study

A recently-published study of the rejection of insulin therapy by diabetics has been featured in various media outlets:

The articles provide additional perspective about the outcomes of the study. An information extraction model developed using Canary was a key component of the study.

Canary 1.1 Released

Version 1.1 of the Canary Information Extraction software is now available and can be obtained by clicking the download link in the menu above.

It fixes a number of bugs and includes updated documentation.

Canary 1.0 Released

The first public release of Canary, a user-friendly information extraction software, is now available by clicking the download link in the menu above.

Canary is a free, open-source natural language processing software that utilizes a graphic user interface (GUI) to allow users with no computer science background to extract information from large amounts (gigabytes) of narrative data.

If you have any queries, you can contact us at for further information.